Tuesday, February 23, 2010


First off, you're available right?
hm.. you can say that.. but not just for anyone =P

What are you doing for your next birthday?
hmm.. it'll be my 18th.. my plans are to have a dinner w/ my close friends on my birthday.. then go to VA Beach the next weekend and stay out ALL night =)

What are you looking forward to?
BIRRTHHDAYYY!!! =) getting my class ring.. graduation

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

Do you have any hidden talents?
not... really...

Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
no.. I haven't done that in a while

Would you go out in public looking the way you do?

Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail?

What are you thinking about right now?
emm... how thirsty I am

Does anyone call you babe?
not now

Do you get drunk every weekend?

Are you happier now than you were last year?

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?

When is the next time you'll wash your hair?
em... probably next Tues./Wed.

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
if I like him.. yes

Do you like someone right now?

Does this person like you back?
That's a question that I.. don't know.. I haven't asked

What color was the last towel you used?

Can you swim well?
emm for the most part

What kind of first impression do you think you make?
hmm.. usually "quiet" lol

Name your last reason for using a camera.
I don't remember

Are you a happy person?
for the most part

What do you want?
ice cream

Did you enjoy your weekend?
hmm... it was ok

Lets cut to the chase, whats currently worrying you right now?
nothing =)

When was the last time you died your hair?
I had a color conditioner a week and a half ago

What's the weather like where you are?
its starting to warm up

When did you last cut your hair?
emm last April

Where are you?

Where was your default picture taken?
school.. senior picture

If you could have one super power what would it be?
emm idk

What do you want to do?
not sure at the moment

Where do you think you will be in 10 years?
not sure yet location wise.. definitely pursuing my career

What does your phone do when it receives a new text?

Would you ever take up photography as a career?
I could.. I like taking pictures

How many kids do you want when you're older?
2.. no more than 3

Is your name a common name?

Do you know who your best friend is currently interested in?

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with a J or C?

What would happen if you were suddenly in bed with the last person who text you?
emm I have no idea.. I'll definitely get up though

Would you rather pierce your tongue or lip?

Its 12am, you wake up crying. You call?

What would you do if the person your crushing on now saw you without any clothes?
emm run and find some clothes

What does your most recent text message say?
I don't remember

If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care?

Would you change yourself for the person you love?
depends on the change...

What did you do today?
school... homework...

Has anyone upset you in the last few days?
yes.. very much

Tell me some song lyrics:
hmm.. all at once.. I had it all.. but it doesn't mean anything, now that you're gone... haha catchy song

Closest black thing to you?

What kind of phone do you own?
some TNT junk

Where is your ex right now?

Last thing you drank?


Any song that brings back memories?

How's your heart?

Wear any perfume?
no.. I somehow have a reaction to the fumes =/

Favorite brand?
ehh idk

Do you keep a diary?
journal... yeah.. but not really at the moment, I decided to stop writing for a little bit

Were you single 6 months ago?

How many texts are in your inbox?
ehh 40?

Describe your nails:
they need something done to them... I'll file them when I come back home from picking Nikki up from dance class

Describe your room:
white.. needs to be cleaned

Are you in a good mood?
I'm content

Who's your worst enemy?
the devil

Do you have good relationship with your parents?

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