Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Conflict.. peace...

For the past few days (well.. weeks), I've been reflecting and valuing peace.

I did NOT value it nearly as much as I should have... but this semester, I didn't realize how much I took it for granted.

Conflict... I have not seen so much in my entire life until this semester.  It's just the point where everything is all over the place and its so much to mentally handle.  I'm not even involved in it and it's overwhelming to deal with on a personal level.  Actually.. I don't see how anyone can personally handle conflict on their own.  It is something that you have to let God become involved.  Because honestly.. the fact that the conflict that I've been involved in this semester was so minimal... is only because of God (if you can understand that).  I mean, I'm not sure whether or not there is anyone on the hall that has an issue with me.  I don't care really. Not everyone in the world is going to like me.. but I do have to do everything that is possible to make sure that I am at peace with everyone.

I think, if I were to be selected to be an RA, that would be the biggest struggle for me. I sort of mentioned it in my application...  I know that I can handle it, but it's just the fact that my approach to it is different than most.   For one, I grew up spending time with guys. The way guys deal with conflict is so much different than the way that girls deal with it.  Girls have to talk about it all the time, even when it's over and done with.  Guys just deal with it and be done.  

I really am reminding myself that it is our job to remain peaceable with all men.  Peace is IMPORTANT.  God even mention that a house divided cannot stand. My parents used to mention it a lot.. and it's SOO true.  It is definitely an area where I'm going to focus on next in my personal growth.

I need more guy friends. lol or at least call and talk to my dad and my brother more often... that is a good plan actually. lol

But here is my little rant

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