Thursday, October 13, 2011

So I was actually going to try going to bed early.  But obviously that's not going to happen tonight.  I was definitely thinking hard about things today.  I never really thought about it this way before.  But here it goes.

I came to the conclusion last night that as an aspiring journalist, I love writing and reporting news, but I HATE conducting interviews.  Everything about it other than setting one up.  I hate the fact that I have to come up with questions to ask, and the fact that I have to actually ask the questions.  But after I get all the information, I like putting it all together in writing.  I don't even understand why its even like that.

At first I thought that it was my first interview assignment was a sport that I didn't know that made me uncomfortable.  But then I actually began to do the ones for basketball and I still felt uncomfortable.  I don't know if its something that I have to get accustomed to or if I really just don't want to do it.

I do know that I am more of a behind the scenes person.  Which you can tell with my writing.  I can express myself a lot better when I write versus explaining who I am verbally.  I think that's partially why I love writing and receiving letters.  But in general, I like working behind the scenes with administration things, etc.

The whole thing is just something to think about.  I love 75% of the things that Journalism has to offer... it's just the other 25%: interviewing.

That's a major problem, I know.  I don't even know if it's something I need to just duke out.. or get out of it completely before I go any further.  ha I'm at the point where I can do it and still graduate on time.

Idk... -__-


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