Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just a ramble

I feel as though I'm going to be up all night tonight. Pretty much because: 1. I haven't fully finished packing. I have to wash and dry the remainder of my clothes. My mom put a comforter in the wash... so that's going to take quite a while.  2. I have to actually finish cleaning.  haha at least I got my bathroom clean, but my room... not so much.  I know this time around I have to actually have my room entirely clean because my aunt is coming down for a couple of days and I guess somebody will be staying in my room.

By the time I get all of that done, it'll be time for me to get up and get ready for church.  So I assume that I will have to enjoy a cup of coffee when I get to church.

I cannot believe that school will be starting in a couple of days... well.. actually a day.  I already have a lot of busy work to do when I get there.. like buying and exchanging books... studying for the SLD test.. an SLD interview.. talking with my RAs about me taking the SLD position and then possibly seeing where that goes.

My goal for the semester is to finish with a 4.0. It's highly possible.. but I do want to bring my gpa up just a tad.  I have a 3.75 now I believe.  It's not bad.. but I would love to receive suma cum laude when I graduate. So I will need a 3.85 to get that.  Which means I will have to have a couple of 4.0 semesters. Then no less than  3.5 in a few others. So far the lowest grade that I've gotten was 3.6, so if I just keep that as my low, and get a few more high gpa semesters, I should be good to go.  I believe that it could happen, I just definitely have to keep focused, organize my time better.  Minimize my leisure time on the internet, and it could happen.  I'm actually glad that I only have one class on Tuesday and Thursdays. So I have literally all day to study and do work.  Especially when it'll be a time that no one will be in the quad.  I also will have more than enough time to get a regular exercise routine going.  I am very much out of shape it is ridiculous.  I have to get overall body tone and I cannot allow it to get out of control.  I know that I can do it, I just have to put it into my schedule like it's a class.  And definitely work hard.

I have to actually complete my goal list for the year of 2012.. I have part of my list at school from last year, so I have to look at it and see what I've completed, and what I haven't.  Then I need to examine which ones are better to attain, spend some time making a template... then keeping them in my notebook somewhere.  I was kind of hoping that I would have more time to get it done tomorrow, but I know for a fact that I'm not going to get to school at a decent time. Well, maybe hopefully I can get to school by 5:30.. If I do, than I can possibly have some time to do so.

One thing that I want to do this semester is to get a job. I think either Monday or Tuesday, I'll go to the mall and put in some applications. Hopefully it'll work out that way. I have no preferences as to where I work.  My parents are at the point where they're like "your job is only school". However, I really feel as though I should start working towards doing something for myself, especially when it comes to wanting to do something that requires money, I want to be able to just get what I need to get right then and there without having to wait for it, or ask for the money. I don't think that's a bad desire to have.

But all in all.. that's what's going on in my head.. haha I actually think I can go to bed now...


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