Saturday, March 3, 2012

Objectivity... bias.... O___o... LOVE

So.. I had a mentally stimulating topic with my quadmate, Britney.  You really don't think about how you would react to certain things. There are a few that I want to I guess write about...

One of the questions was... say that there is a child that is in an orphanage, and a homosexual couple wanted to adopt him (or her).  Would you let the couple adopt the child, or would you let the child grow up as an orphan... basically with the feeling of rejection for their whole entire life?

I have NEVER taken into consideration of something like that.  Because both sides has negativity to it.  The thing that I ultimately think about is how there is no limitations to where God can move... but how would you respond in that situation... would you want a child to grow up alone?  That's a hard thing to grasp.

It's an objective thing for me.  I guess for one, I have learned how to be objective, especially as a Communication major.  Some people may disagree with me. I do have my beliefs. I have my stance about homosexuality... but at the same time.... I need to have that SAME stance about lying...  About talking badly about someone.. about being disrespectful.  I mean, homosexuality can lead to a greater physical consequence.. but spiritually, it's held the same why.  So I have NO right to justify my sin.. and not anyone else's.  Either way, my sin is going to affect others.. just as much as their sin affects others.

The next question was related to abortion.  
Of course, we have a stance that of course abortion is wrong.  Life begins at conception.  So we honestly have NO right to take away the opportunity for someone to have life.  But at the same time... I have NO idea of the kind of things that a girl as to emotionally deal with when it comes to abortion. That's a common argument that people that justify abortion make.  Which is a true statement in  a way Like... if I were personally put into that situation.. I cannot say for any girl.. whether they are COMPLETELY against abortion or not... that would not even have abortion come across their mind at least a little. I cannot imagine myself in that situation.. which is part of the reason as to why the sanctity of sex in marriage is valuable to me. Especially as a student in high school.. especially as someone who grew up in a surrounding where people who became pregnant were suddenly looked down upon. Can you really say that you wouldn't even think about it? Then another.. if they were sexual abused.  They obviously will have a different perception of it.  Something that they didn't have any control over.  Although the chances of that is very small.. it is still possible.  I can't put myself in that situation... but you cannot say that the thought may occur. Makes me REALLY reflect on the importance of saving sex for marriage.I have to make sure that I'm not put into those compromising situations. Because things like that are possible.. It just really makes you think a lot deeper.  Which is why empathy is an important trait to have as a believer in Christ (Romans 12:14-15).

I kind of wanted to touch on those two things.. because... It made me reflect on HOW important embracing God's love really is.. and at the same time how hard it is.  Sadly enough, there are a lot of people that will consider things like abortion because of people they feel would look down on them. I can honestly say that what I know.. is if I was in a situation like that.. I've already established that I'd probably not leave my house.  If it came to that.. because I know that with the character that I do have.. it's like.. a blow.. I mean.. we do have to pay the consequences for our actions.. but our consequence should NOT be rejection from the body of Christ. I really think that if we all loved like we were supposed to.. the fight for abortions would not be nearly as strong as it is now.

Even with homosexuality.. A lot of times, they too feel rejected.. which is why they consider Christians to be homophobes (which in some cases, there are).  I personally had to learn that.  But I did.. and it wasn't easy. I don't really know whether or not I have friends that are that way. But I do know I have relatives. (which is a main reason why I had to dig deep into it)  I destroy my testimony and progress with reaching out to them if I blatantly talk about how homosexuality is wrong. Whether through fb statuses, etc.  The same really can apply to any other type of sin... but we have to also take note that we ARE FLAWED.  We cannot make exceptions for any sin.. but at the same time.. we have to address them in love.


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