Thursday, May 10, 2012

Liberty University-School Pride

I came to Liberty University with the desire of being a Sports Journalist. After attending classes and the many workshops offered at Liberty, I have come to learn that I would love to one day do Public Relations for a sports company or even an individual athlete.

It was only through Liberty that I became informed of the transformation of the media. I came to learn that as I go to pursue a career in Public Relations, people will be more inclined to hire me if I utilize all the resources that are available to me. A company will be more attracted to me if I can not only write well or produce an excellent campaign. They will be more attracted to me if I can design a brochure, an identity package, and can successfully shoot and edit video that can represent their company well. If I did not attend Liberty, I would not have known that piece of valuable information. Because of this, I decided to double major in Public Relations and Broadcasting.

I have had the opportunity to be taught by professors who have gained years of valuable experience related to my majors. I am not being taught by someone who has "book knowledge" but someone who has actually gone out there and done well in the field that I'm pursuing. One professor has been a Broadcast Journalist for about 30 years and had the opportunity to cover a Super Bowl and the NBA Finals. He has interviewed athletes such as Dennis Rodman. As someone who is pursuing a career in sports, I find that very exciting. Another professor was actually part of the AD/PR team in the corporate of Steve Madden. What these professors are teaching me is valuable because they have seen and done everything that works and doesn't work.

Liberty University also requires us to gain hands-on experience in order for us to even graduate. This includes practicums and Internships. Because those are requirements, I have had the opportunity to gain journalism experience while writing for the Student Newspaper and learn about create Sweepers and News Packages for radio. I will be leaving Liberty University having completed Two Internships. I will know how to create and edit a short film and I will know how to create and design just about anything related to Brochures or Identity packages.

While Liberty University is a Christian Institution, we have moral standards. Through this, I have learned the value of leadership and have the opportunity to become a Resident Assistant. Being a RA at Liberty holds a lot more responsibility than almost any other school in the country. I know that once I complete my time as being an RA, I will have developed a great skill set that will compliment my career experience. This scholarship is sponsored by

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